ReportServer 3.0.8 is now available

We announce that the 3.0.8 version of ReportServer is now available for download!

Among others, the following new features are important:

Exporting Parameters

With ReportServer 3.0.8, report parameters can be exported together with the dynamic list reports. For this purpose, a new report property has been introduced: “output_parameters” ( true / false ). By setting this report property to “true”, the parameters will be automatically included in the Excel Export as shown in the following example:

Parameter configuration:

Excel Export:

For HTML and PDF export, this must be further configured in etc/dynamiclists/ and, respectively, by using the new variable ${parameterMapSimple}. As an example, refer to the following screenshots:

Clearing Mondrian Data Cache

The Mondrian data cache can now be easily cleared with a new button in the datasource configuration dialog.

Default Parameters

We now made it much easier to include default parameters / global parameters / metadata parameters in the respective query window.

For a list of all changes please refer to the Release Notes. The upgrade guide is available in the documentation area.

Happy reporting!