Add Sybase support to ReportServer

In recent posts we already outlined the necessary steps to support additional databases in ReportServer. Today we will add to this series the script that allows to connect ReportServer with a Sybase database.
We will not discuss the script in detail, but if you look at the previous articles in this series you will see that the differences are minimal. The complete script is available for download here: AddSybaseSupport.groovy

In addition to the script, you also need the Sybase jConnect jdbc driver. Download the driver from and place the jar files in the WEB-INF/lib subdirectory of your ReportServer installation. You might have to restart ReportServer afterwards.

Now open ReportServer and change to the filesystem admin module. Put the script somewhere below the bin directory in the fileserver.

To execute the script open the terminal by pressing CTRL+ALT+T and use the cd command to change into the directory where you placed the script

 cd /fileserver/bin

Execute the script by typing

 exec -g AddSybaseSupport.groovy

The -g argument is important, to execute the script in the global context. Otherwise the new DatabaseHelper will only be present in your current session. After pressing F5 to reload your browser you will be able to select Sybase as the database type, when creating a new datasource.

Beware, that after restarting ReportServer hooks attached from the terminal will no longer be present. To automatically attach a hook on startup put the script in the bin/onstartup.d directory in the fileserver.